For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Monday, February 15, 2010

It's Just a Number

I struggle with that big number that stares at me when I step on the scales. Why? I don't feel like I weigh that much and I don't think I weigh that much. I really believe the high number on that scale is due to so much muscle in my body. I am not a body builder or anything but I do have a lot of muscle, especially in my legs. So I am about to do something that I usually do not do because of embarrassment...tell you my weight. Right now, after losing 10 pounds I weigh 206.6. Yep, my starting weight was 216.6 and that isn't even my highest weight.

I know I shouldn't concentrate on the number on the scales. After years of trying out this diet, reading this and that I learned that the way to go is by measurements. However, I haven't done that. Why? It seems the world is obsessed with the numbers on the scale. I have decided to stop being obsessed with that number. Oh, I will certainly keep track of the scale number but I am also going to start keeping track of my measurements.

Here is an interesting article regarding 4 different ways to measure your progress without using the scales. Measure Progress Without the Scale

I recommend measuring your upper arm, waist, thigh and hips. Of course, by all means measure whatever you want. I have read to do this one time a month. However, I prefer to do it weekly or bi-weekly.

Join me today in getting rid of the scale obsession and start measuring!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Exercise for Everyday

I don't exercise on the weekends. Yes, I know I should but, to be honest, I am lazy on weekends. I want to exercise on weekends but I don't make myself. Someday I am hoping to start exercising on the weekend but until then I will stick with what I am doing.

A few weeks ago when I was cleaning and doing general chores around the house I realized I could easily add some exercise into the routine. I started thinking about it and put my thoughts into practice. Here are a few...

Doing or dance in place, when putting dishes away do lunges across the kitchen or bicep curls with the dishes you are putting away

Doing laundry...when bending over to sort clothes or get them out of the hamper or clothes basket do dead lifts or squats, instead of grabbing a bunch of pieces of clothing at once only grab one at a time increasing the number of times you bend

Vacuuming...hold your abs in to help tighten them

Putting items away...don't grab a bunch of things at once, take only a couple increasing the number of steps you have to take

Run up your stairs instead of taking your time.

While these may not seem like you are doing much I truly believe that more activity than you got before will help, even if it is a small change. Try putting these into practice and come up with some of your own.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Difference

I weighed in yesterday for a total loss of 10 pounds in a little under 5 weeks. This is huge for me. First, I have been working to loss weight for 5 weeks. Second, I am lost 10 pounds. Past attempts have left me at this point eating what I want and no longer trying to lose weight. This time is different. I can't say why it is different, it just is. Something clicked in my brain to make me so motivated and determined to lose this weight and get healthy. Maybe it is because of my husband's heart attack at 30. Maybe it is my 6th anniversary dealing with infertility. Maybe it is something completely different. Regardless of the reason, I am overjoyed at this change!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Remember when you were young and you use to spend what seemed like hours jumping rope? Little did you know you were helping combat osteoporosis. Studies have shown that jumping helps build bones. Of course, as with any other exercise, be careful not to injure yourself. A few articles to read are:

Phys Ed: The Best Exercises for Healthy Bones

Prevention: Exercise for Healthy Bones

Also, to get more information about osteoporosis I recommend The National Osteoporosis Foundation Website.

Now, go buy a jump rope or just jump in place. Add your arms into jumping in place to increase your heart rate.

Happy jumping!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Permanent or Temporary?

I have tried just about any diet you can imagine. I would completely change my eating habits for a few weeks and lose some weight. However, after a few weeks I became bored and picked my old eating habits back up. It seems like everyday I hear of people who are doing some sort of restrictive weight loss program. What happens when they tire of it? I assume they are like me and they go back to their old habits. One of my goals for this journey is to make permanent changes instead of taking the quick loss, easy way out. I only want to loss weight and get healthy one more time. I am tired of the vicious cycle of losing weight only to gain it back to lose again.