For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Difference

I weighed in yesterday for a total loss of 10 pounds in a little under 5 weeks. This is huge for me. First, I have been working to loss weight for 5 weeks. Second, I am lost 10 pounds. Past attempts have left me at this point eating what I want and no longer trying to lose weight. This time is different. I can't say why it is different, it just is. Something clicked in my brain to make me so motivated and determined to lose this weight and get healthy. Maybe it is because of my husband's heart attack at 30. Maybe it is my 6th anniversary dealing with infertility. Maybe it is something completely different. Regardless of the reason, I am overjoyed at this change!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I know that this is from February and it's a little late to comment, but I was just reading through your blog and I really think it's great. I've been trying here lately to lose some weight and you mentioned being more motivated than you ever have been...and I've been the same way. And I think I know why I'm doing it and I thought I would share.

    I'm doing it because right now I feel it's one of the only things that I alone can control. I can't control not having a baby (among other things) and this is one thing I can do. And hey, if a person is going to obsess over things, getting healthy is a good one I am thinking.

    I hope you are still staying motivated, and know that I'll walk with you in this path of getting healthy.

    God Bless,
